Monday, January 9, 2012

CD Robot In Progress

Well, I've been working on a little robot. It will be very basic. It is made out of CD's and is controlled by a PIC16F690. The source code is in process, being written in HITECH C.

Here are the pictures showing the progress:

I started with a couple of CD-Rs for a chassis.

Next I drilled 4 holes in the top and bottom CD-R.

I installed a caster on the rear of the chassis.

4 standoffs were installed in the bottom CD-R.

Here is one of the servos before installing the wheels.

I purchased the wheels and servos from Solarbotics. The parts I have ordered from them in the past seem to be high-quality, and I would hightly recommend therm.

Here is the chassis with the servos and wheels installed.

The motor driver kit from Solarbotics is well documented and assembles easily.

Here is the driver installed on the chassis.

It's beginning to look like something! Here the top has been installed.

The breadboard has been installed. I am going through the programming now with the PICKIT2, a demo board, breadboard, and the PIC16F690. The code is comming along nicely. Hopefully it will be loaded and operational soon.

I'll keep following the project.  Also, I have a SOLARBOTICS BRUTUS BOT in process as well. This will be controlled with an Arduino UNO.

Click here for the SOLARBOTICS website.

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